Types of Engineering

Types of Engineering

World Engineers Day is being celebrated every 15th of September and serves to appreciate the engineers and the contributions they are giving to the society. Engineers are those professionals who are inventing, designing, and building structures, complex systems, and materials just in order to complete deliverables and functional objectives, keeping in mind the factors like…

Top 10 Best Online Shop in U.S.A For The Past Holiday Season

Top 10 Best Online Shop in U.S.A For The Past Holiday Season

If you are one of the people that shops the most during the Holiday season but finds it difficult to invest time going to shopping malls, then online shopping is the one you needed! According to the US Census Bureau’s report, the amount of growth in retail e-commerce sales had a trend for a very…

The Top 10 Reasons of Deaths for Kids Around the Globe

The Top 10 Reasons of Deaths for Kids Around the Globe

In the US the day for The Child Health raises the awareness of people about how they can develop and protect children’s health. The event is yearly celebrated every first Monday of the month of October. Even though Child Health Day isn’t considering a public holiday, schools and businesses may be closed since it will…