Mahjong Game

Mahjong Game

The National Mahjong Day has been celebrated yearly every 30th of April. Mahjong is the tile-based game which has been around ever since its advent in China during the 19th century and it remains its fame from across the world, but particularly in Asian countries. By custom, it is a 4-player game, although there are…

Top 10 Best Online Shop in U.S.A For The Past Holiday Season

Top 10 Best Online Shop in U.S.A For The Past Holiday Season

If you are one of the people that shops the most during the Holiday season but finds it difficult to invest time going to shopping malls, then online shopping is the one you needed! According to the US Census Bureau’s report, the amount of growth in retail e-commerce sales had a trend for a very…

Top 10 Things To Do When You Still Feel Bored During The Holiday Season

Top 10 Things To Do When You Still Feel Bored During The Holiday Season

“What time is it?” The usual line of people that are feeling bored and are not interested in anything. It seems like they always want to make time in the clock appear faster than its usual ticking, for them to start another day with a new routine that would take them away from being bored….