National DNA Day

Every April 25 of every year since 2003, the biologists, genetics enthusiasts and scientists come together to witness the National DNA Day, observing the discovery and the research of DNA and the methodical advancements that assist to make a progress possible. It is yearly organized by Human Genome Researches Institute the National DNA Day encouraged the people to discover more about science that will make them genetically unique.


On 25th of April 1953, James Dewey Watson, a molecular biologist had academic paper presenting the DNA’s double-helix structures were published in scientific journal, Nature. After nine years, the three scientists had been awarded with a Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for unearthing a molecular structure of the nucleic acids and the significance for genetic data transfer in human beings.

On 14th of April, 2003, Human Genome Project, the international scientific researching project with the aim of verifying the base pairs which will make up the human DNA and recognizing all genes of human genome, had been completely declared. The project lasted in 13 years, finished for two years ahead from the schedule, and was funded publicly by the government of U.S. It initially set to chart the nucleotides enclosed in the human haploid genome, however, the scientists then realized that genome of any given person is totally unique, so mapping a human genome will involved mapping a DNA of the small number of people and piecing them all as on to make the total sequence for every individual chromosome. It means that the total human genome is even more-so a medley instead of a representative of any individual.

Following the finished point of a Human Genome Project, equally the House of the Representatives and the Senate proclaimed 25th of April, 2003, a DNA Day and then April as the Human Genome Month. This day marked the 50 years since Wilkins, Watson, and Crick academic paper had been published and this month itself had been considered significant in the genome discovery. But, they only state it just a one-time festive rather than a yearly holiday. Since then, the National DNA Day event and celebrations had been hosted by National Human Genome Researches Institute just in order to promote further research and also to celebrate and to continue acknowledge every hard work that had been dedicated to this DNA study.


1953 (April 25) – Important Day for DNA

Biologists James Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick published their findings of DNA.

1989 – NHGRI Starts It’s Work

This National Human Genome Researches Institute starts carrying out the task of NIH in Human Genome Project.

2003 (April 14) – Mapping Human Genome

This Human Genome Project settled the research project from two years before the schedule.

2003 (April 25) – 50 Years from the Discovery

Both the House of the Representatives and the Senate declared April 25 to be a DNA Day, and this April month as Human Genome Month.


25% genetically similar – Normally, siblings who shares with similar father and mother — excluding identical twins — appeared to be 25% heritably identical and 50% as half identical. This takes place because every child gets 50% from the genetic makeup from the father and 50% from the mother, meaning 25% from both of them has the possibility to be heritably identical whereas the other 50% will be a slightly diverse genetic pattern passed to every child.

90% exclusive third cousin – There’s a 90% probability that the third cousin will share sufficient DNA for the connection to be detected however, only about 50% chance that you’ll share sufficient DNA with the fourth cousin for a relationship to become identified. It is since a random way that the autosomal DNA is being inherited, causing the fourth, third and more distant cousin to not essentially have any visible half-identical regions.

In between 25,000 and 20,000 genes –Human Genome Project expected that human beings have between 25,000 and 20,000 genes; but genes don’t code for protein. In human beings, genes differ in size from the hundred DNA bases up to over 2 million bases. Each person has two duplicates of every gene, one passed from each parent. Nearly all genes are similar in all individuals but less than a percent of the populace genes are slightly diverse. Alleles are outlines of the similar gene with small disparities in their sequences of DNA bases, and making up little differences to each individual’s unique physical features.


What is DNA stand for?

The DNA stand for an acronym of deoxyribonucleic acid and that is the molecule that contains the genetic codes of organisms.

Why is April named after Human Genome Month?

During 2003, the House of Representatives and the Senate declared April to be Human Genome Month since this is the month which marked the achievement of Human Genome Project and also the month wherein the biologists Wilkins, Watson, and Crick published their findings about DNA’s double-helix structures 50 years prior.

When was the initial National DNA Day?

The National DNA Day had been initially celebrated on 25th of April, 2003, 50 years right after the DNA’s double-helix structure discovery.


Take the DNA test – Because of the scientific breakthroughs of Wilkins, Watson, and Crick and the HGP, we now have codes like “23 and Me” and Ancestry” just in order to chase your family history by the use of DNA. Fulfill your interest and discover more about your family and yourself by investing in the DNA testing.

Participate in the local event – National Human Genome Researches Institute hosted a yearly National DNA Day Event. If you would like to attend in a local event, or you want to host an event for your city or for your family, check out the events page of the National DNA Day.

Have an exposed conversation with the family – The easiest means of learning about your genetic record, with some extra allegorical context, is by the stories you can gain from your family members. Although family stories are usually like a decade long game of phones, where some facts may not be totally accurate, there is that sense of pride which will come from hearing those stories that will lead to your existence now.


It recognizes advancements in the scientific discovery.

Since Aristotle days, the known Father of Biology, the scientists had been studying living things and contributing in the genetic discovery that had been published in 1953 that keeps on today. On the National DNA Day, people recognized the efforts that direct us to the facts we have today and the constant researches that will lead in the discoveries of our tomorrow.

It supports people to discover more about the genetic history.

The researches that lead to National DNA Day celebration is the science which brings us closer with our roots. The day feeds that meaning of belonging through encouraging us in taking the dive in learning more regarding where we really come from and who we are.

It is the day where the people can discover more about genomics and genetics.

From genetic history up to the gene editing, there are lots of things to discover when it is about the function and the structure of genomes. During the National DNA Day, people is being encouraged to have an access to every and any available facts to discover more regarding genetic makeup and about the molecular biology of every living thing.

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