April Fools’ Day

April 1 is April Fools’ Day where lots of people unleash their most creative sides and everything in a hilarious – at times over the top – attempted at bamboozling those that are around us.

Why are we doing all these, and where did this thing started? Well there surprisingly is not a concrete conclusion of the historians. Well then, we will explore the possibilities, but nevertheless, each spring we all place on our prank caps to map out the most diabolical and devious, yet playful and safe pranks we may think of, making the next 24 hours probably be the most exciting, anxiety-filled and fun day of every year!


April Fools’ Day has been celebrated each year on the 1st of April. This day is about being serious and neutral with almost everything, and boom! APRIL FOOLS!


The prank on April Fools’ has transcended the imprisonment of the primary day of April that will be the year-round internet fact. There are so many videos on the famous internet sites emerging daily, pushing the prank limit to sometimes risky territories. It will be illustrated how to allow the holiday to stay true to what’s meant to be – hilarious and safe!

There is no agreement on how these all started, but the famous theory is that nowadays, January 1 has been the New Year beginnings. This was not the instances before 1592. There is a calendar used named as Julian calendar – made in 45 BC by Julius Caesar– which saw each new year start on April 1!

Pope Gregory VIII made the new method for tracking the days, which had been the beginning of the calendar that has been known and love by many – the Gregorian calendar. During the time the he moved the New Year’s Eve date, it obviously took a little time for everybody to catch on it. Those who had been a bit behind during those times are still celebrating on April 1 that and were thought fools for practicing it so.

One known, often argued the explanation for the beloved prank day and has been buried in the book of 1392 by Geoffrey Chaucer named as “The Canterbury Tales”. One line in the publication simply references to “March 32” the debate to the meaning was born. With no context and dated so far, the interpretation stays a mystery. Some thought it as a joke, dawn this yearly tradition, while some said that it is none other than the misprint.

Whether there is the Gregory VIII or the Geoffrey Chaucer that we need to thank for about the April Fools’ Day, this has existed now for centuries and this will continue to make the flurry of excitement and creativity.


1392 – The Canterbury Tales. Mr. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the line of “March 32” to his book, possibly birthing the April Fools’ Day.

1500 – France set the stage. French adopted January 1 to be the initial day of a year.

1592 – Pope Greg VIII vs. Caesar. Gregorian calendar has been introduced to change the Julian calendar, altering the first ever day of a new year starting from April 1 up to January 1.

1700 – UK joined the party. The April Fools’ Day starts to sweep even across the UK.


Country – France

Holiday Occasion – Poisson d’Avril – This is the same with April Fools’ Day, however, it is called ‘April Fish’ because of the famous prank of sticking the paper fish to someone’s back.

Date – April 1

Country – Scotland

Holiday Occasion – Huntigowk Day at Scotland, to ‘chase the gowk’ is by finding the gullible person or the ‘cuckoo’, and then prank them!

Date – April 1

Country – Scotland

Holiday Occasion – Taily Day – At some sides of Scotland, the prank will lasts for two days, with the day two pranks still being concentrated on the posterior.

Date – April 2

Country – Denmark

Holiday Occasion – Maj-kat – The identical holiday of April Fools’ Day has been celebrated one month later and with more gags and practical jokes.

Date – May 1

Country – Spain

Holiday Occasion – Childermas – Although this holiday has the grim origins, this holiday is much celebrated now like the April Fools’ Day.

Date – December 28


The April Fools’ Day customs are all about playing pranks, practical jokes, and having fun. This can be minor such as the verbal joke, or a thing that you had been plotting in the past months. Either way, normally the gag will end with yelling of the “April Fools’!” to denote the end of this prank.

In the current times, prank videos had been the category of their personal video hosting platforms. Naturally, the April Fools’ Day prank had been quite elaborated in the recent years. The small businesses, TV networks and large corporations, had started to participate also in this yearly tradition, promoting fictitious and advertisement claimed to fool their viewers. The mild-mannered cheaters always have the classic exchanging-of-salt-with-sugar gag up their sleeves.

Little boy painting his father’s face while he sleeping. April fool’s day prank


1. What is the most common prank on April Fools’ Day?

From the mixture of life experiences and extensive researches on this holiday, it is thought that the most common prank involves the classic “tying somebody’s shoes together” and the safe food swaps gag.

2. Is the April Fools’ Day commemorated worldwide?

Yes, it’s celebrated from across the globe, even though the names, rules and the goals for the day will differ from state to state.


1. Plan ahead

Begin early! Some internet stars and YouTubers have dedicated their whole careers to prank, so your inspiration may start there. Some ideas can get extreme, so make sure to select the ones that are secure but will still gain the best response!

2. Practice the straight face

Just play it cool! You’ll not be the world-class player but nothing ruins the best prank more than the uncontrollably chuckling as you’ll encourage your colleague to just sit down at the desk after lunch. When they still do not suspect that whoopee pad, they really are on an April Fools!

3. Give them the not-so-sweet surprises

Sour their sweets! The April Fools’ staple really never gets old. Exchanging out some salt and sugar will have them ask their choice to that next afternoon coffee.


1.“Lie Day” – this is for the Portuguese

While in Brazil, the day is related to the Dia da Mentira or the “Lie Day”.

2. France’s “Fools” – in some parts of UK and in France, they pin the paper fish at the back of the prankees.

3. Scotland’s “Suckers” – these Scottish prank their buddies through pinning the tail on them and also the “kick me” sign.

4. Ancient Foolers – Some of the ancient European’s commemorated by trading status, gender or age roles for that day.

5. Fool by the bell

The taco Bell had the residents of Philadelphia being fooled when it teasingly announced its rebrand and acquisition of Liberty Bell.

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