National Learn About Butterfly Day
Today is another day for someone to learn and celebrate about another colorful and one of the finest life form in the world — the butterflies! The butterflies are another important creature since they are helping to pollinate the flowers. But, aside from that, they are very pleasing to our eyes, and we all love them and want to see them around.

Butterflies are insects that fly with delicate and wide wings. Their body and colorful wings is what make them really popular to all of us, including the kids and the adults that chase and are playing with them. The metamorphosis or the life cycle of a butterfly is really interesting as they convert by four phases to becoming the beauty that everyone else loved when we see them.
A butterfly will begin as an egg. Then the egg hatches in three up to seven days to larva, but will depend on the kind of species of butterfly. A caterpillar or a larva feeds on flowers or leaves, losing the skin several times when it grows; the procedure is then being called as molting. The larva is growing steadily over some weeks till it’s some time the initial size and then turned into a Pupa. Numerous of these Pupas had been suspended under the branch, buried underground, hidden in leaves, or they become a part of an adult butterfly if they finally broke in ten to fifteen days.
Historically, the scientists during their study of evolution considered that butterflies are evolving from moths through the Cretaceous time some 40 million up to 135 million time/years back, and then they have disappeared in some evolutions more than the millennia to becoming a butterfly we love to see now. The National Learn about a Butterfly day is the initiative to educate and sensitize everyone, old and young, about butterflies and the significance of it to the ecosystem. Above their beauty, the teeming populace of butterflies signified that thriving ecosystem because of their role as the prey and the predators.

3100 B.C. – Butterfly in Art
The artists used butterflies in the Ancient Egypt; they’re carved on buildings, temple walls, incense burners and pieces of jewelry.
1865 – Caterpillar in the Book
In the manuscript of Sir John Tenniel, the “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland,” he draws the illustration of Alice that is meeting a caterpillar being seated on the toadstool and then smoking with a hookah.
1902 – Butterfly Alphabet
It is the photographic piece of artwork of a Norwegian naturalist, Kjell Bloch Sandved about finding all of the 26 letters in the Latin Alphabets with the Arabic Numerals from zero to nine through the wings of the butterflies.
1985 – Ages of Flowering Plants
Several other researchers together with Ehrlich and their studies of fossils revealed the evolution of the butterflies coming from moths around 40 million years or more back in relation with the birth of the flowering plants over the earth.

2-Tailed Swallowtail Butterfly
The two-tailed swallowtails had been bigger butterfly variety, then, they exhibited yellow wings with the narrow tiger stripes and the black borders on their forewings. The hindwings had two tails, with orange spots and iridescent blue. The host plants include chokecherries and ash trees, while the nectar comes from the thistles, milkweed, and some other plants. They may be seen in the foothill slopes, canyons, woodlands, parks, roadsides, valleys, stream sides, cities, and the suburbs.
American Copper Butterfly
The medium-sized butterfly display the bright orange-red up wings with the black spots and edged in gray. The hindwing is gray and with matching red-orange- border along its edge. The host plants for the American copper caterpillar include the sheep sorrel and the curled dock, while the adults take the nectar from the common butterfly weed, buttercup, white clover, ox-eye daisy, yarrow, and some other native flowers.
Black Swallowtail Butterfly
The blue scaling separated rows of the yellow spots on black wings of a black swallowtail. The males have bigger yellow spots, while the females have a more blue scale over their lower wings. Mutually like the nectar from the milkweed, clover, and thistles. Some of the most favorite host plants contain herbs and vegetables just like celery, parsley, dill, fennel, and carrots. They are usually seen in the open fields, urban areas and farms.
Common Checkered Skipper Butterflies
The male common checkered skipper has the blue-gray upper side and the partial black check in their fringe, whereas the female is black. Both have the large white spots which form bands transversely in both wings, alternate with darker bands. The species has bigger bodies with the bluish fuzz and the smaller wings than the other butterfly types. The mallow is a host plant for the common checkered skipper caterpillar and the adults draw the nectar from the fleabane, asters, knapweed, and red clover among other plants.
Clouded Sulphur Butterfly
The little yellow butterfly is prevalent all throughout North America. It measures up to two inches wide, and they are easy to see because of the lemon-yellow wings—and with the solid black borders of the males and the yellow-spotted black border of the females. Real to their name, the clouded sulphur butterfly is easy to smell, and making the sulfuric aroma the same with the rotten eggs. They adore dandelions in particular, when taking nectar from the 43 species of different plants. This clouded sulphur caterpillar hosted the plant white clover.
Cabbage White Butterfly
This is accidentally introduced in North America from Africa, Asia, and Europe this invasive insect had been unpopular with the gardeners and farmers because its caterpillars are eating cabbage, kale, horseradish, broccoli, and radishes. The adult cabbage white butterfly is seeking nectar from the variety of flowers. The medium-sized butterfly, the males are the creamy white with the solo black spot on the primary wings, whereas the females are the pale yellow with the two black spots close by their wings’ center.
Common Sootywing Butterfly
The sootywings are dark, large butterflies with the thick bodies. The upper sides are very dark brown or black and feature the white spots on its outer third of forewing. In the mean time, the hindwings are totally dark. Common sootywings obligated their names to the somewhat frayed-looking light brown edge of their wings, that appears like soot deposits or iron filings. They get nectar to the variety of plants, which include white clover, milkweed, dogbane, marjoram, oxalis, peppermint, melons and cucumbers.
Delaware Skipper Butterfly
Just like the usual checkered skipper, a Delaware skipper had the bigger body and with smaller wings connected with the skipper butterflies family. The wings are bright yellow-orange that has the black borders and dark-brown veins. The undersides lack marking but can display orange veins. The female Delaware skipper has the darker markings and wider borders. The host plants include wooly beard grass, switchgrass, and some other grasses. The adults get nectar to a diversity of white and pink flowers, including milkweed, marsh fleabane, buttonbush, mountain mint, pickerel and thistle.
Fatal Metalmark Butterfly
The fatal metalmarks are a bit smaller with the width of an inch, and they had more subtle color than the other metalmark butterflies. The upper side is chocolate brown with a bit darker, irregular median band crossing their wings plus checkered fringes. Seep willow and clematis are the host plants for the caterpillars, while the adults are getting their nectar from clematis and California brittlebush among some other plants.
Gray Hairstreak Butterfly
Through the average wingspan of more than an inch, the tiny gray hairstreak butterflies have the blue-gray wings and with 1-2 thin hair-akin tails at the lower side of every hindwing. They have bigger reddish-orange eyespots close by the base of every tail, and also the orange spot over the back of the head. Their males have the orange abdomen. The host plants for the caterpillars include peas, cotton, mallow, beans, and clover. The adult gray hairstreaks feasted on the nectar from the wide variety of the plants, including milkweed, mint, white clover, and goldenrod.
Monarch Butterfly
It is known for the 3,000-mile yearly migration and the striking black-and-orange wings, the monarch butterflies are now endangered because of habitat loss due to urbanization, pesticide use and monocrop agriculture. Monarch caterpillars feed solely on milkweed and then lay their eggs over the undersides of the leaves; the venom from this plant makes them unattractive to their predators.
Mourning Cloak Butterfly
One of the greatest-lived butterflies is the mourning cloak. It features about ragged-looking wings and with rough, irregular edges. The wings are purplish-dark with the wide yellow border plus the iridescent blue dots inside its border. The caterpillars are feasting on trees like birch, willows, and elms while the matured one preferred the tree sap from the oaks.
Mormon Metalmark Butterfly
The little butterfly only about a half-inch wider, this Mormon metalmark butterfly had broad, short wings that may be red-orange, black or brown with distinctive white and black spots. Its fringes had been white with dark or black checks, its forewings feature the red patch, and their hindwings don’t have orange coloring. The mormon metalmarks are flying low to its ground in brighter sunshine. The wild buckwheat had been the host plant to its caterpillars, whereas the adults extracted nectar from the different plants, like California aster, clematis, and rabbitbrush.
Orange Sulphur Butterfly
Majority of the orange sulphur butterflies had been yellow and orange, sporting the black or dark-brown border around the top wing’s edge. The females may be slightly greenish or white. Like the other sulphur butterflies, they’re growing to around 2 inches. This has the fondness for alfalfa, making them to be pertained as the alfalfa butterflies. They also like sunflowers, clover, and milkweed, and the orange sulphur caterpillar is using alfalfa and some other pea family plant as the hosts.
Painted Lady Butterfly
An orange-and-black wing of this painted lady exhibited the multitude of spots with two “eyespots” over the hind wing. They’re feeding on nectar from the red clover, hollyhocks, thistles, and more. This butterfly host plants include mallow, thistle, and hollyhock. Being the most usual species in humanity, gardeners view the painted ladies regularly.
Palmer’s Metalmark Butterfly
It is also called as gray metalmark. The palmer’s metalmark features dark-brown or gray wings with the copper tinge. The black-edged white spot cover the wings plus it will form bands along the margins. The undersides are orange that has the black submarginal and white spots. The butterflies are getting nectar from the variety of flowers; however, thistle and daisies are the two from their favorites.
Spring Azure Butterfly
The small blue butterfly had its shortest lifespan of all the butterflies. The male spring azure butterfly are bright blue; the females have the darker blue, with the black bands around its edges of the wings. They adore the nectar from the blackberry, dogbane, privet, milkweed, and New Jersey tea, while depending on the host plants like the New Jersey tea and dogwood.
Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly
The tennessee’s state butterfly or the zebra swallowtail has been identified by its triangular white, long wings with the black zebra-like stripe. The butterflies have the long, thin tails in the ends of the wings, two blue spots, with the red spots on their wings near its lower side of the body plus the reddish antenna. About 2-4 inches wide, the adults like the nectar from the redbud trees, verbena, and milkweed, while the caterpillars feed on the paw-paw leaves.