No Limits For The Deaf Children

This day is being observed annually. Provided the proper encouragement and the right platform, these deaf kids will be able to achieve anything. It is meant to recognize and to give honor to the hearing-impaired infants from across the US. Children with impairments had been frequently overlooked, with the victories and accomplishments are going unnoticed. A day such as this day will pave the way to take their strength and struggles to the front, then makes awareness about the plentiful of potentials with deaf kids. This day is a date that will empower the youngsters and will remind them that they’ll be able to achieve anything!


It has a variable definition in the medical and the cultural contexts. In the medical contexts, it means that deafness is a hearing loss that precluded an individual from comprehending spoken languages and this is a very audiological situation. In this frame, it is written with the lower case d. This later came to become used in the cultural context that will refer to those that mainly communicated by sign languages, regardless of the hearing ability, usually capitalized as Deaf then will be referred to as the “big D Deaf” in the sign and speech. The two definitions had overlap, but aren’t the same, since hearing loss includes the cases that aren’t severe enough to have impact spoken language comprehensions, while the cultural Deafness will include hearing people who are using sign language, like the children of deaf adult.


The first ever known record of the sign language in the history came from Plato’s Cratylus that was written in the 5th century BCE. In the dialogue over the “correctness of name”, Socrates says, “Supposedly that we don’t have a tongue or voice and wish to communicate with each other, should we not, just like the dumb and the deaf, make signs with our head and hands and the other parts of our body?”The belief that the deaf individual possessed an innate cleverness for language placed him at chances with his learner Aristotle, who said, “The people that are born deaf will be senseless and will be not capable of reasons,” and that “it’s not possible to comprehend without the capability to hear”.

The pronouncement would reverberate by ages and it has not been until the 17th era when the manual alphabets start to emerge, since many treatises over deaf education, like “Reduction of the arts and letters for teaching the mute people to talk”, written in Madrid in the year 1620 by Mr. Juan Pablo Bonet and the Didascalocophus, or The dumb and the deaf mans tutor in 1680 by George Dalgarno.

In year 1760, Charles-Michel de l’Épée, a French philanthropic educator opened the first free school in the world for the deaf. This school won the approval for the government funding in year 1791 and then became famous as “Institution Nationale des Sourds-Muets à Paris.” The school motivated the opening of now famous as American School for Deaf, the oldest stable school in the US for the deaf, and indirectly, the Gallaudet University, is the first ever school for advanced education in the world, for those who are deaf and has hard of hearing. To date now, this is the only higher institution that educate in which all services and programs that are specifically designed in accommodating hard of hearing and deaf students.

Medical Context

The Global Symbol for Deafness has been used in identifying facilities with hearing growth services, particularly the assistive listening devices.

Here in this medical context, deafness have been defined as the degree of hearing differences like that of a person that is not able to understand speeches, even while in the amplification presence. In profound deafness, the highest intensity sound made by the audiometer will not be detected. With total deafness, there will be no total sounds at all, despite of the method or the amplification of the production that can be perceived.

Neurologically speaking, language is being processed in the similar area of the brain and whether one hears or is deaf. The left side hemisphere of your brain processed linguistic patterns and whether through spoken languages or signed languages.

Cultural Context

Within a cultural context, the deaf culture will refer to the tight-knit cultural crowd of people whose signed language is their main language, and who is practicing cultural and social norms that are distinct from the surrounding hearing environment. The community doesn’t automatically include all that are legally or clinically deaf, nor does this will exclude every hearing individual. According to Padden and Baker, it includes any individual that “identifies him as the member of a Deaf community, and those other members are accepting the person as the part of their community”, the example adult or children deaf with normal hearing capability. It includes a set of art, literary traditions, values, history, social beliefs, behaviors, and the shared institutions, of environments that are being influenced by deafness that are using sign languages as their major way of communication. The members of Deaf community appear to view deafness being a difference in the experience of human rather than a disease or a disability.

The main kinds of deafness

Conductive deafness will mean that sound cannot pass effectively by the middle and the outer ear to the inside ear. This is usually caused by the blockages like the wax in the exterior ear, or the fluids in the glue ear or middle ear. The middle ear is the very usual state, especially in the pre-school children. The conductive deafness is typically temporary, but it will be permanent in most case.

Sensorineural deafness or the nerve deafness as it is at times called is the hearing lost in the internal ear. This typically means that the cochlea is not working effectively. This sensorineural deafness have been usually permanent.

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