The National Alaska Day
The largest nation that the United States is Alaska and its last edge to boot. We have the special — National Alaska Day that is commemorated every 18th of every year, so we can remember this amazing place.

Although the founder and the origins of the National Alaska Day still remain elusive up to this time, we are aware of the many about how Alaska became a portion of the United States.
Long before these Russians settled in the Arctic land, it has been inhabited by the indigenous people from the tribes like Tlingit, Inuit, Yupik, and others. They lived by hunting for fish, whale fat, and beaver. Then, Russians came and also settled in Alaska, and leaving only after their 68 years of reigning.
The history of the United States rule in Alaska started with the settings of the transcontinental telegraph line within Sitka, Alaska. The United States wanted to increase their territory, and then the Russians wants to leave — the devastated sea otter population will mean that the land was not anymore profitable, and Russia that time was lacking money after the happening of the Crimean War, which make Alaska hard to protect. William Seward, the secretary of the state that time, was their major hand behind a purchase. Alaska had been purchased at about $7.2 million. The championing of the cause was prominent and the enormous majority of the Americans who thought that the purchase was a big mistake took to call Alaska “Seward’s Folly.”
Two of the prospectors discovered gold in Klondike area, and thus started the gold rush time in Alaska. The numbers indicate to go up to 10,000 fortune hunters that had been headed for the Goldfields at the Klondike, and their beaches in western Alaska, at Nome, another place where the gold was discovered. The newfound fame of this area was cemented by the strategic place during the World War II. When the Japanese attacked the Aleutian Islands, some parts of which had been the U.S. territory and there are parts that belonged to the Russian federal theme of Kamchatka Krai, an American army had been stationed there already, ready to shield their border. After a Civil War, the Aleutian campaign — known as the ‘1 Thousand Mile War’ — had been the primary battle fought on the American soil. Alaska stayed as one territory until during the 19th century during the time that this became one U.S. state.
Here, they brought dog sledding into the forefront of the American consciousness. The fatal outbreak of diphtheria in Nome exposed the lives of each individual dwelling there. In addition, the place became isolated, that helping them was a tough one. The situation became worse by the coming blizzard that ruled out the air assistance. Their only way to give the antitoxin was through the sled dogs. Come in Leonhard Seppala. And Jafet Lindeberg, his fellow Norwegian— who struck rich at Nome — questioned Leonhard Seppala to appear and work with him at the Pioneer Mining Company. The records indicated that Seppala regretted that decision on account of the difficult work. That is, up to the day he turned the sled dog driver, the mushing supplies. The group 20 had been assembled, including Leonhard Seppala, who had been venerated musher through then. Whereas a lead dog, Balto, had been famous that time, and many argued that it was really Seppala and the lead dog, Togo that happened to be the real saviors during those times.
Here are the top 10 Places and the Best Attractions that you must see when you visit Alaska:
Alaska is the biggest U.S. state and therefore it is hard to visit it totally on a solo trip, considering the detail that most of its territory is not linked by railways or roads and there are some points that are only accessible by foot alone or walking, by boat, or by small planes. And so if have any plans of visiting Alaska, you should include these places in the travel itinerary that you listed. Here are they:
10. Kobuk Valley – the place is one of those destinations less beaten through tourists, but also, it is one of those curious places to see. Unlike other deserts, the small Sahara had been formed through the millennia by erosion that glaciers had worked over the rocks. It’s only possible to go in the areas by the small planes, but to those that can afford it, a landscape of Kobuk Valley will be a really unique experience.

9. Alaska Native Heritage Center – it is located in the northern suburban of the city. It’s not a museum, because it is a crowd of villages where there are representatives of as numerous as eleven native cultures live. Among underground communal houses and handicrafts, visitors may discover many curiosities just how life has been in Alaska just before the coming of the foreign settlers.

8. Fairbanks – many Alaskans see the Fairbanks as the core of the state. Looking at their map it is directly apparent that the Fairbanks is at the core of nowhere; however, knowing the gold rush history, one would presume that this was constructed just for this reason. The isolated place made Fairbanks a very unique city and because of this, it became one of the major interesting destinations when you are in Alaska.

7. Gold Rush Railroads & Trails – a railway (Yukon Route and the White Pass) was built that links the Canadian town of Whitehorse with Alaskan Skagway, the strategic port of the ocean that permitted the maritime linked to the US. Many packs of horses and many workers died during the building of this railroad where in the mountains had been cut by dynamite. Now, the vintage train connects the Skagway to the White Pass Summit, a border city between these two states.

6. Kenai Fjords – it is a kingdom of ice and fresh water that gives life into the complex ecosystem and had one of those most evocative parks of the state: Kenai Fjords National Park. It is placed on the opposite part of the peninsula coming from the Kenai capital.

5. Sitka – a Russian town of the U.S.A.
Everybody is aware that Hawaii and Alaska were the final two states that join the U.S.A. federation, in 1959. It is not a coincidence that at Sitka, an American flag had been raised to change the Russian flag when these two superpowers ended the sale of the gigantic and still untamed piece of humanity. Sitka was a capital of Alaska, plus it’s the main port if the power was at the hands of Russia. Up to now, there are still architectural elements, like St. Michael Orthodox Cathedral or a Russian Bishop’s house, and also some religious and cultural: in fact, portions of their population are of their Russian Orthodox faith.

4. Aleutian Islands – an archipelago that stretched eastward from Alaska Peninsula is considered as one of those most pristine and beautiful, yet, this is also the least visited area and the both factors are linked to same reason: the trouble in reaching them. A fisherman’s paradise and the tourists can reach the Aleutians through ferry, which only travels twice in a month during summer, or through the plane.

3. Glacier Bay – Into the northwest part of their Inside Passage is the place where it appears as if you’re returning thousands of years to Ice Age, but it did not exist up to 2 centuries ago. The Glacier Bay keeps on expanding as the ice melts, while at the inlet’s mouth, the ice gave lane to the forest. Now the ships can creep until 65 miles to the bay, and it keeps on expanding with many branches.

2. Inside Passage – this is Alaska’s southeastern coastline that isn’t only rugged: it’s dotted with the dense archipelago of the hundreds of islands with varying size, defending it from the elements of the ocean. The sinuous sea tongue that meanders between the coast and the islands is an Inside Passage. It is the real marine highway that connects Vancouver to the Skagway through the boat, touching many towns including the Alaska’s capital, Juneau.

1. Denali National Park – the snowy peaks and the glaciers are crossed by the winding streams, wild animals and uncontaminated forests in abundance. This natural park is defined as the symbol of the entire Alaska.