Top 5 Organic Foods for Better Health

Organic foods have become popular in recent years, but most people don’t know why it’s so good for you and your family. Organic food contains no genetically modified organisms (GMOs), no hormones, and no pesticides, which makes it much healthier than conventional food products. If you’re considering switching to an organic diet, but aren’t sure where to start, here are top 5 organic foods that you should be adding to your diet in order to ensure optimal health and wellness.

1) Organic Meat

Organic Foods

Organic meat is produced from organic feed and is free of antibiotics and growth hormones. Studies show that organic meat contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Organic beef, in particular, has been linked to a lower risk of cancer as well as lower cholesterol levels, helping to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Organic meats may also have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an anti-cancer fat. For instance, one study found that organic milk contained nearly five times more CLA than conventional milk. The same goes for organic poultry; the organic chicken breast meat had about five times more CLA than conventional chicken breast meat did.

2) Organic Milk and Dairy Products

Organic Foods

Organic milk and dairy products contain higher levels of healthy fats than conventional milk and dairy. As a result, organic milk also has high amounts of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K—nutrients that aid in bone growth and may help with weight management (1). Organic milk is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids than conventional versions. Omega-3s may support brain health and heart health, promote blood pressure control, reduce inflammation, improve blood lipid profiles, and more. Although they’re not found in dairy products, other sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), like flaxseeds and walnuts are also linked to similar benefits.

3) Organic Eggs

Organic Foods

Eggs are superfoods when it comes to healthy eating. They’re high in B vitamins, protein, and essential fatty acids, as well as other nutrients like selenium and choline. But you might be surprised to learn that organic eggs are higher in several of these key nutrients than their conventional counterparts.

4) Beans, Legumes, and Nuts

Organic Foods

Beans and legumes are some of nature’s most filling food, with high-fiber content that will leave you feeling full. Add a serving of nuts to your dinner, and you’ll be able to make it through till your next meal without feeling hungry. If you’re trying to lose weight, try replacing some of these meals with healthy grains or vegetables – but keep in mind that beans and legumes are also nutritious enough to eat on their own.

5) Fruits and Vegetables

Organic Foods

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which helps neutralize free radicals in your body. Free radicals can cause damage to cells, which contributes to illnesses such as cancer. They also contain fiber, which helps you feel full and eat less. This is especially important if you’re trying to lose weight. Fiber-rich foods take longer to digest and absorb, keeping blood sugar levels steady. That way you won’t experience cravings a few hours after eating a meal or snack. Examples of fruits high in fiber include plums, peaches, nectarines, apples and pears. Legumes like black beans are also rich in dietary fiber.

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